Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mount Jesus Blog

Hey there... I wanted to share the latest addition to the Mount Jesus blog. It's titled "Open Heart Surgery, with a spoon". ~enjoy!

As we continue our eclectic discourse with “the teacher”, we now entered into a section that can be appropriately titled: “you have heard it said”. For our first course we will be served a hearty plate of paradigm shattering concepts addressing the topic of anger. The cliffs notes might be summarized by saying Jesus likens anger and insults to the act of murder and says that they are liable to judgment and the fire of hell!

So, because I am sure there are many excellent commentators who have written many, many books on the exegetical context of this passage, I think I’ll spend time attempting to pull a plank out of my own eye…

A spiritual mentor once told me that a good way to gauge my comprehension and embrace of the Fathers agape love is by observing my thoughts and reactions when driving. He said: “do you want an indication as to whether or not you believe the father loves you? Observe your reaction to slow and incompetent drivers while rushing to get somewhere”. As I began thinking about this concept I quickly admitted my frustration with bad drivers and incompetent behavior. Honestly, the term frustration is a far cry from my real feelings; the truth is I absolutely hate incompetence, both in myself and in others. It makes me furious.

A perfect example of this could be in event that occurred last Tuesday when I pulled my car into a no-parking zone. I needed to load up a heavy box of clay and accidentally locked my keys in my car while it was still running, then as I searched for the hidden key I realized my wife had used it and failed to put it back.

Forgetfulness, non-efficient methods, irrational behaviors and bad directions drive me mad. It’s like my emotions become a pressure cooker building up, and although I often feel like placing my hands around the neck of countless numskulls who cross my path daily, I have mastered the craft of “Christian behavior modification”. Unfortunately I am usually oblivious to this deep-rooted hatred and when/if I do become aware of it I often succeed at convincing myself that my thoughts are justified. I mean really, is it my fault that I work with a bunch of lazy, good for nothing slackers who cant seem to accomplish the most trivial of tasks?

This type of thought pattern, which is pervasive throughout our society, makes perfect sense according to rational logic, however stands in direct opposition to the Gospel of Grace. Just as Christ called the Scribes and Pharisees a bunch of hypocrites and whitewashed tombs, he says to me: façade, façade, façade. Although controlled by deep breaths, hypocritical prep-talks and pharisaical veneers, it’s all a masquerade. My disease-infected heart is filled with bitter rage and hidden by a thick layer of religious camouflage. The outside of my cup is clean but my inside is often more wretched than a mountain mans spittoon. Judgmental condemnation and curses fill my heart as I look upon failures, slackers and those who just can’t get it right.

Now comes the how and why questions. How can a person who claims to embrace a message of grace and peace, so powerful that it transformed a ruthless assassin into a faithful disciple who gave his life away, become filled with such anger and hate? Why is it so easy for me to become pissed off because grandpa took a tad bit too much of his medicine before driving to the bingo lodge?

Thankfully the answer to this question is fairly simplistic, yet incredibly profound. I hate because I feel hated, because I fail to truly believe my daddy loves me. The most judgmental people are always those who feel most judged. Condemned people find it natural to condemn others; likewise, loved people find it natural to love. People who stand firm in the gospel of grace haven’t much need to cuss and swear when they make a mockery of themselves, because they find not their value in outward appearances and achievable results but in proclaimed truth.

And this is the truth… I am a new creation in Christ, the old has gone and the new has come. I have been crucified with him and it is no longer me who lives but him who lives in me. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for my incompetence because I am made perfect by the blood of the Lamb. I am free to embrace, love, accept and forgive because I am totally embraced, loved, accepted and forgiven.

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