Monday, September 14, 2009

She looks like us! And she's going to fly!

I absolutely love this photo. I think it's one of my favorites so far. I can see so much of John and myself in her, and it gives me a glimpse of what she's going to look like as a little kid. Love it!

In other news, Anna-Joy and I are going to partake of John's flight benefits for the first time on Wednesday. Our dear buddy, "Nate Dawg," has his roots in Portland, Maine and lives there when he's not in Asheville. Right now he just so happens to be residing there and has invited us up. I am very excited about going to New England and about having a vacation! John and I haven't been anywhere together since Hawai'i. I'm not too worried about traveling with baby, I just plan on nursing her throughout the flight as needed. It's actually easier to fly now before she is mobile and antsy during the flight. I have a lot of anxiety over flying, but it's a good exercise for me. It's good to be stretched out of your comfort zone, even when it makes you feel like you're going to throw up and sends you to the bathroom every 5 minutes.

Maine is going to be fun! Fresh lobster here we come! Actually, we're mostly excited about seeing our rock-star buddy.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Nicole, and John, and Anna-Joy --

    First, Ah! She is adorable.

    Second, you are absolutely right not to be anxious about the flight and that it is the best age to fly with a little one. We did seven domestic and one international flight(s) when Titus was five months old. Easy. Just nurse on take-off and landing because the swallowing will help with pressure changes. And if she does cry, which I doubt, people are understanding of a little baby crying because her ears hurt. They are not understanding of a bratty three-year-old crying because he's whiney. :)

    We'll be Thinking of you guys.

    Speaking of breastfeeding, I read a really great article today which you might appreciate too --

    in love,
