Sunday, March 14, 2010

Boohoo & Blessing Wheel

Finally, an updated photo of our little gremlin, I mean munch-kin!

This is how AJ sometimes wakes up from her naps. NOT a happy camper, but ridiculously cute!

Have you heard of a blessing wheel? We were in an artist's studio recently in Greenville and she had a couple hanging from the ceiling. Basically you use some kind of circular frame (like the metal from an old lamp shade) and hang strips of canvas from it along with little acquired pieces of odds and ends jewelry or the like. On the strips of canvas you can write memories, accomplishments, or blessings that have happened in the year. You can use multiple circular rings to make levels and just keep adding onto the wheel. I thought this was a tremendous idea, mostly because I liked the way it looked, but it's also so easy for us to forget all the great stuff that has happened when I get lost in my disappointment. My goal for april is to make one for 2009. Here's some of the great stuff that went on last year:

- We had our first Anna-Joy!
- We celebrated our first year of marriage.
- We saw U2 in concert (a life-dream fulfilled for me)
- John went to Israel (a life-dream fulfilled for him)
- We went to Maine and ate pop-overs in Jordans Pond at Acadia National Park (a life-dream fulfilled for me)
- We lived in community with Nate Dawg, Coda, the McAfees, Erin, Carolyn, and Michelle
- We heard Donald Miller speak
- We had our first family photo
- We took a ceramics class together
- I won a weight-loss competition
- John rescued a bird
- We've both found some great and wise folks to "mentor" us

Last year was a great year and this one is off to a really good start!

We're really thankful, we feel like we are in a season of rest and abundance.


  1. Hey Nicole, yah, you are blessed!

    Do you have a picture of a blessing wheel? I googled it...not much came up. I might be interested in making one.

    That's cool you guys took a ceramics class. I worked at a ma-n-pop pottery a couple summers ago, it was life-giving. They liked to drink sangria and garden.

    I was also wondering, since you're a vegetarian now, if you have some tofu recipes that you like and would like to share (I guess that would be on your other blog). Tofu is so cheap and accessible here, I'm looking for some good ways to cook it.

    Ok that's all for now! Take care.


  2. That sounds like a really great idea! It seems like this year as started off so busy, I haven't had to recap '09. Woooosh! It is March already!
