Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Neglect! Sorry!

Wow. We have neglected this blog. Sorry about that.

It seems like life is so busy for us, I wonder if it will ever be a little more slow-paced. I find there is this really delicate balance between being bored and being so busy I get over-whelmed and very tired.

John & I have been talking to a counselor/friend in Colorado for the past couple months and working through a lot in our own hearts and in our relationship with one another. The Lord has had us go through a lot of hard work emotionally and relationally - and there is still much before us. We are so thankful, however, for the support and the words of truth we are receiving and beginning to embrace and believe.

Anna-Joy has started at pre-school twice a week. She loves it and her teachers are soooo sweet. We are really blessed to have a scholarship so that we can afford to send her. Our dear friend, Fran, runs the school. She gets to play inside and outside, do crafts, have snack, and have music-time. She is always so happy when I pick her up, but she falls asleep almost as soon as I put her in the car-seat. All that fun wears her out!

We went on our 4th annual fair date. We had a great time and stayed for 4.5 hours! Anna-Joy ate pinto-beans and corn-bread, fed the goats, road the Carousel, and danced to some music. John and I split a blooming onion which was pretty gross (decided to go to Outback for that treat from now on), he rode a crazy ride, we watched pigs race, and we saw our good friend Mo-Daddy. Pics to come soon!

I love that fall is almost here - it's still pretty hot for the end of September. John would like for the warm to hang around for as long it wants. Not me, I love it just cool enough for a hoodie.

We are back in our cabin and praying about whether or not to sell it. We're also trying to fix up our cars to sell and buy something a little more reliable. So those are the bigger issues we're dealing with right now, along with John seeking the Father on what to do when this semester of school is over. We would appreciate your prayers that we would know where he wants to take us next!

I'm still doing photos and really enjoying it. I'm hoping to set up some kind of office-space for myself soon. I'm trying to organize and file more than I have in the past, and I would love if the I could continue to get jobs. Check out the updated look of www.vaporphoto.com and tell your friends!

Grace, and PEACE!

Nicole (For US)

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you guys have been up to a lot lately. Anna-joy sounds like she's been having fun. Miss you guys! glad you wrote, and I'm glad I decided to stop by! see ya mid-october :)
